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STATEMENT: Participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Marks a Major Victory for Pennsylvania

Clean Power PA Coalition applauds publication of state CO2 Budget Trading Program, which paves way for Pennsylvania to begin benefiting from RGGI

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                          ​                       


HARRISBURG – (April 22, 2022) – Upon the publication of the CO2 Budget Trading Program regulation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin this weekend, setting the stage for Pennsylvania’s entry into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the statewide climate and clean energy coalition Clean Power PA issued the following statement:


“At long last, the successful RGGI program is taking effect here in Pennsylvania, which means the state can soon begin cutting pollution from power plants, creating jobs, and investing in efforts to reduce consumer energy costs and bolster energy independence.


“RGGI has succeeded in the 11 states where it operates already. It is finally Pennsylvania’s turn. The evidence is clear: RGGI will lead to a stronger, healthier, and more prosperous Pennsylvania.


“The final publication of the RGGI rule is the culmination of an exhaustive, two-year process that included extensive public comment and participation. The overwhelmingly positive citizen input throughout the process demonstrated Pennsylvanians’ support for this vital program, which will create 30,000 jobs, cut power plant carbon pollution by 25%, and generate funds that can be invested in economic recovery, clean energy jobs, and efforts to lower consumer energy costs.


“We thank Governor Wolf, Secretary McDonnell, and the Department of Environmental Protection for seeing the RGGI rulemaking process through to completion despite relentless attacks from those in the state legislature who would rather protect fossil fuel industry profits than move our state ahead to a healthier, more prosperous future.  


“We look forward to working with the Wolf Administration to ensure that RGGI is implemented fully, effectively, and equitably in the coming months and to push back against any misguided attempts to roll back this successful initiative​​.”




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